The recipe isn't anything complicated, just the standard butter cake type with a few extra large eggs to ensure it doesn't come out too dense. The batter ended up being a bit on the lumpy side as the butter wasn't as soft as it should have been, impatience got the better of us and the patty tins were quickly filled with lumpy goodness and baked in the oven at 180 degrees.
After 20 mins baking in the oven and 10 mins cooling, a quick cream cheese and butter frosting was whipped up and spread generously on top of each cup cake, next came the customary decorations and we opt for the good old rainbow coloured sprinkes!
The finished product:

The verdict? The cup cakes looked cute, it was moist and pretty tasty, the only downside was the slight issue we had with the lumpy butter, it melted of coursed in the oven and made the cup cake a bit too buttery. Not bad though for the first trial batch! =) Come to think of it, we probably should have baked ANZAC cookies to commemorate ANZAC DAY...